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How to Promote Your Manufacturing Business

Being in the manufacturing business is highly competitive. The global economic environment, as well as natural conditions and other factors, can have a major impact on your business. In order to garner as much sales as you can, and succeed over your competition, you have to leverage as many tools as possible. One of the most accessible at your disposal is digital marketing.

Table of Contents

How will digital marketing drive growth for your business?
Best digital marketing strategies to use

It can boost your sales, and each marketing campaign could see you get a Return of Investment (ROI) of 500%. This is because it creates awareness of your business which can lead to generating a larger customer base and reinforcing relationships with existing customers.

But in the ever-changing and growing digital landscape, it can be tough to keep up with digital marketing strategies that will grow your business. But it’s vital that you do. So we’ve put together a guide for you that breaks down the best digital marketing strategies that will generate more growth for your business. Let’s take a look.

How will digital marketing drive growth for your business?

Now that the internet has become more accessible to more people, with nearly 60% of the world population being active internet users, it’s the first place people go to to find what they need. Statistics show that over 94% of business to business, or B2B, purchasing journey’s begin with an internet search. This means that if your customers or potential customers can’t find access to your business online, you could be losing out on sales.

It’s also important that you are available to your clients and tend to their needs at any time. This is what digital marketing helps with. It provides your customers with smart solutions that require minimal effort, which promotes value. And customers are big on value. According to a study done by Harvard Business Review, 64% of them said in a survey that they formed a relationship with a brand because they felt the brand’s values aligned with their own.

It also allows you to be very specific with your strategies. You can individually target your audiences based on their segmented preferences, scale your campaigns as needed and monitor their effectiveness so you can make adjustments accordingly.

Best digital marketing strategies to use

Help users in their buyer’s journey

You should inspire users to make a purchase. One of the ways of doing this is to educate them on the benefits of your products or services, and how they can buy them. Removing any friction that could frustrate them will speed up the buying process and also avoid them abandoning their purchases. Creating a seamless journey will not only make them buy from you once but encourage them to want to come back and do it again. This is because they have developed confidence in your brand. And you’ll want to hold on dearly to your repeat customers because they can increase your profitability by 75%.

Be transparent

This will make your consumers trust you and your brand. You can do this by involving them in your processes, giving them company updates and being vulnerable by sharing personal stories and business processes. Being transparent will show the human side to your brand, something which consumers value because they can resonate with it.

Create a well-functioning and designed website

A website is your business’s online storefront. Since most people’s first interaction with a brand is online, your website will give them the first impression of your business. And we all know that making a good, strong first impression is key for success. A well-designed website will guide your users and drive them to take the actions that you want, for example making a purchase. Users also look to website design for credibility. In fact, 75% of credibility comes from the design so make sure that you offer them a good user experience.

Know your target audience well

Marketing is all about sending the right message at the right time, but to the right people. There’s no use in telling your audience to buy cat food when they’re clearly dog kind of people. When you target the right audience, you capture their attention because they see their needs and goals being met straight away. Fully understanding who your customers are will help you with knowing what motivates them to make purchases, or take other actions like subscribing to mailer lists. This in turn will generate more business for you.

Create more video content

Video content has become increasingly popular over the years and more content consumers are preferring to receive information via video. According to a report from Animoto, 93% of marketers said they landed a new customer thanks to a video posted on social media.

Video content can help your consumers understand information better. And they’ll be more likely to buy from you if they understand why your products or services will help make their lives better and solve their problems.

Videos are also great for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), so they can help you rank better in a Google Search. This will give you more visibility and, in turn, generate more leads which could mean more sales.

Use social media

Social media is an easy and effective way to reach your target audience. You can use it for creating awareness about your products or services and educating your consumers about them. More and more people are conducting brand research via social media. In 2021, it was found that 35% of survey respondents were influenced by social media ads when making buying decisions.

The online platforms also allow you to engage with your consumers and learn more about their preferences and needs. You can also learn their habits so that you know when and how they like to receive information.

In a nutshell, you could leverage social media marketing to execute all of the above strategies.

The takeaway

The manufacturing industry has evolved from the days of old and inefficient infrastructure. But its visibility is yet to meet the same standard. Using digital marketing strategies can ensure that your manufacturing business shines in the spotlight that it deserves. In a highly competitive business, let us help you by doing what we do best, generating more growth and sales, so you can continue to focus on what you do best.

Posted on 11 March 2022

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