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Benefits of blogging for your business

Unlocking the potential of digital growth hinges on more than just a strong online presence—it demands active engagement. Blogging stands at the forefront of this strategy, offering businesses a dynamic platform to connect, inform, and build lasting relationships with their audience.

Beyond mere content creation, it’s a powerful tool that drives traffic, enhances SEO, and establishes authority in your industry. Dive into the transformative benefits of blogging and discover how this integral practice can elevate your business to new heights.

Table of Contents

Increase website traffic
Convert your traffic into leads
Enhances SEO Efforts
It is a testimony of the work that you do
Use blogging for link-building
Use blogs to boost your social media
Blogging drives long-term results
It’s Easy to do


Image of person talking in a crowd about the benefits of blogging.

We know some of you might need convincing to spend hours creating articles for your company’s blog. What if I said this could bring you more traffic to your website? 

How about more sales? – I’m sure that got your attention

Yes, blogging can increase product sales as part of a long-term strategy, so make sure that you’re not losing out on potential customers just because you don’t see the value of blogging right now (but, by the end of this post you will).

Increase website traffic

Everyone says this. But how does blogging increase website traffic?

One of the ways people discover your website is through organic search. This means someone goes to Google and when they type in their search query, your website appears in one of the top positions on the search engines results page (SERPs). This leads them to click on your website and discover your brand. 

To rank in the SERPs, your website content has to be optimised for the correct search terms. 

How is this achieved? Through keyword research (and many other SEO factors, which you can read about here)

Before starting a blog about anything under the sun, you need to decide on the quality, informative content topics to not only attract visitors but also grow your brand and increase sales.

The process of keyword research will give you insight into certain types of queries people are searching for related to products or services on a monthly basis. This will give you the opportunity to provide an answer to these queries and position yourself as an authority in the industry.

Whenever you publish a blog post, you get another indexed page on Google, which gives your website more opportunity to broaden its keyword reach and, in essence, create more entry points for users to enter into your marketing funnel.

Convert your traffic into leads

With the increased traffic to your website. You have the opportunity to increase your leads.

You can do this by capturing a user with a lead-generating call to action. You want to offer the user something that they can not resist.

Let’s say, for example, you write a blog post about a new face cream that has helped people improve their eczema. 

A user searches for some advice on how to deal with eczema and lands on your blog post offering advice and promoting your new product. A great call to action would be to offer the new user a 20% discount if they buy the product.

You don’t only get a sale from this, you also get precious data. You have the information of a user who has shown interest in your product to retarget at a later stage, through other marketing channels like Google ads, social media ads or even email marketing, turning them into a repeat customer – the best kind of customer.

A lead-generating call to action does not always have to be something monetary like a discount voucher or free product. To capture a user’s data and encourage them to sign up to your email list you can offer them access to a webinar, white paper, a trial account, online resources or anything that is an asset for which a user would trade their information.

According to online research, companies who blog regularly, produce 67% more leads than companies who don’t.

If you need any further convincing, look at how this method fits into the AIDA model for marketing below. You can’t argue research, right?

Enhances SEO Efforts

Blogging helps you incorporate keywords related to your business, improving your site’s search engine ranking. Example: A digital marketing agency writes posts about SEO tips, using keywords like “improve website ranking” and “SEO strategies.” This helps them rank higher for those search terms.

It is a testimony of the work that you do

Besides being informational in a sense of answering questions people might have in the industry, blogging can also act as a portfolio for your business. This means that blogging can feed into the trust factor of building your brand.

Use your blog to show proof of past success that you have had with clients. The marketing channel that will always stand the test of time is word-of-mouth, right? If you share your success stories on your blog, you’re able to incorporate feedback from happy clients and share real praise and reviews you got from them. If you’re in a result-based industry like digital marketing, put together a summary of the strategy you used with a client, show data (that you have permission to share) of where the client’s business was before they worked with you and how they have progressed once working with you.

If you’re in an industry like renovation or building, make sure to always capture your progress as well as “before and after” results. After all, seeing is believing and an online portfolio might be the convincing factor someone needs to give your business a try.

Use blogging for link-building

Acquiring backlinks for your website might be one of the most challenging and important SEO tasks. Google has mentioned backlinking amongst the 200 ranking factors that determine a website’s rank on the SERPs.

When you produce high-quality, informative blogs, you can use these blogs to reach out to other websites to link to you and in turn increase website authority.

Blogging is not only important for potential customers, but when you position yourself as an industry thought leader and have other websites link back to you, it serves as a recommendation and signals to Google that you’re a trustworthy website and they will reward you by boosting your rankings.

Use blogs to boost your social media

We know that constantly having to create new content for your social media channels can be difficult, but blogging is here to make your job easier.

Every time you create a blog article, you can repurpose this content for your social media channels. When you create interesting content that your audiences can share on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or Pinterest, you’re giving your business exposure to a whole new audience and growing your brand.

By repurposing your content and sharing it on your social media channels, you are driving new users to your website, and in the long run, increasing your sales. 

Build your company brand and voice

Along with all the obvious benefits of blogging, this is one you do not want to miss.  When you’re building the blog for your business, you’re also building the brand. You have control over the images, the topics, and the tone that will be associated with your brand.

If you own a financial services business, but you want to help the average joe on the street understand economic concepts to make your brand relatable, you have the opportunity to change the way people will perceive your business and perhaps help them be less intimidated when they have to engage with you for business.

Blogging gives you a way to produce great content that also reflects your company’s values and brand voice.

Humanizes Your Brand

Blogging gives your business a voice and shows the human side of your brand, helping customers connect with you on a personal level. Humanizing your brand through blogging and other content strategies can directly impact sales by building trust, increasing engagement, differentiating your brand from competitors, enhancing customer loyalty, and improving customer service. It creates a stronger emotional connection with customers, making them more likely to trust your products or services, engage deeply with your brand, and become repeat buyers and advocates.

An example: A tech startup shares stories about their team, company culture, and behind-the-scenes processes, making their brand more relatable and engaging.

Blogging drives long-term results

Driving sales results through a blog is not about getting immediate results. It takes work to regularly publish posts, make sure they are optimised for search rankings and make sure you are ranking well for relevant terms. However, the rewards come when your website organically ranks and holds the top positions in the SERPs.

If you’re able to write “evergreen content”, content which will always be in-demand with users, and provide a solution to the problem with your product or services, your blog will continually bring in more leads for your business for days, weeks, even years to come.  As your website grows in organic rankings, so will your website’s reach, expanding the number of people who discover your blog information and ultimately your business.

Improves Conversion Rates

Consistent blogging provides valuable information that helps build trust and influences buying decisions. Example: A home improvement store writes detailed guides on DIY projects, helping customers feel more confident about purchasing the tools and materials they need.

It’s Easy to do

With the evolution of so many user-friendly content management systems, setting up a blog does not have to be overwhelming.

There are a lot of resources as well as easy-to-use content management systems that can help you start this process, so you don’t have to worry about first completing a coding course before you write your first article.

The benefits of blogging for business are endless. With the evolution of the internet, more and more people, actually, 77% of internet users read blogs. This is definitely a 77% that you want to position yourself in front of. Make sure that you’re able to capture them on your website by blogging, to eventually convert them into your most valued customers.

If you’re keen to get a blog started but might be feeling a bit lost about the best way forward with your content strategy, reach out to our content specialists at Lilo, we would love to help you get the most out of your blogging.


Blogging for your business offers multifaceted benefits that extend far beyond mere content creation. It serves as a potent tool to enhance SEO, drive traffic, and establish authority within your industry. By consistently delivering valuable, informative content, businesses can attract and retain customers, increase conversion rates, and build a trusted brand identity.

The article effectively highlights the pivotal role of blogging in modern business strategies. It eloquently explains how blogging not only enhances online visibility but also cultivates trust and credibility among consumers. The emphasis on SEO optimization and lead generation strategies underscores its practical value in driving tangible business outcomes. Personally I see blogging as a versatile tool for brand building and customer engagement. It makes for a compelling case for its adoption across industries. Overall, it convincingly demonstrates how blogging can be a cornerstone of digital marketing efforts, delivering long-term benefits for business growth and success.

Posted on 11 June 2021

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